Stay Flu Free!

Has the flu taken a hold of your household this season yet? If not, you are one of the lucky families in the Oklahoma City area. If you have been watching the news, then you already know that the flu has been hitting big cities hard for a few weeks now, and the only way to properly protect yourself is by making sure you and your children get flu shots and vaccines.

Don’t get stuck on the couch and feel lousy! Instead, enjoy the winter weather and snow days outside sledding with your kids and more! In order to take necessary precautions in fighting the flu, we recommend that you always do the following:

  • Always cover your mouth when you cough, and teach your children to do the same thing! If someone around you is coughing, keep your distance and don’t be afraid to cover your mouth if they don’t cover theirs.

  • Avoid being around people who are sick.

  • Always wash your hands with soap and water. If there’s no soap or water available to you, be sure you have a sanitizer in your purse or glove box. If you don’t have either of these accessible, don’t touch your mouth, nose or eyes until after you’ve washed them thoroughly.

Do you think you or one of your kids has the flu? If so, make sure you schedule an appointment with our pediatrician as soon as possible, also note that we have after ours kid’s urgent care available too. Learn more when you visit us online today!

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